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Apply for position

  • Soft Services Supervisor (P907-1)

Application Details

Fields marked * are mandatory and must be completed.
* Upload your CV

Cover note

Please type your cover note to the recruiter in here. Maximum 2000 characters.


Personal details

* First name
* Last name
* Email address
* Mobile phone
Home phone
Work phone
* Are you a current employee of Pinnacle Group?
* How did you hear about us?
If other, please specify


* Work eligibility

You need to indicate if you are eligible to apply for these vacancies.

I confirm that I am eligible to live and work in the country where this vacancy is based.

I am not currently eligible to live or work in the country where this vacancy is based.

* Privacy notice

By clicking ‘Apply now’, you agree to Pinnacle Group’s Terms and Condition of Use and Privacy Notice.

We take your data privacy seriously and will only use your information to administer manage your application in line with our Privacy Notice. To process your application we may contact you by telephone or email. We may include your details in our talent pool database for recruiting purposes – you can opt out at any time, please click here to contact us.

Click here to view our privacy policy.